HS Apati


About HS Apati

The School name is Government High School Apatee. It is established by Jammu & Kashmir Government in the year 1967. Now the school is upgraded from middle school to High School under the UT Ladakh Administration. It is located near at Primary Health Centre Apatee having a latitude 34.566675 and longitude 76.20800. The School distance from headquarter is almost 30 kms. There are one double storey building and two single storey building and a adequate playground. The water and sanitary facilities is available here. Separate toilet for boys and girls are also available in the school premise. There are ten classrooms, one Smart classroom, one computer room, library and one Table tennis room are also available in the said school. There are ten teaching staffs, one library assistant, three peon and one cook in the school.


School Infrastructure

Government High School Apatee is located near at Primary Health Centre Apatee having a latitude 34.566675 and longitude 76.20800. This school is situated in a serene environment and consists of three blocks.

Block 1st - There are two rooms, one is for library and another is for tennis hall.

Block 2nd - The 2nd block is having two story building, there are three rooms in the ground floor. The first floor is having two rooms i.e one computer lab and a smart class room having well equipped smart gadgets.

Block 3rd - There are eight rooms, in which one is used for office, seven are used for classroom. The water and the sanitary facilities are also available i.e seprate toilet for boys and girls. The land of school bearing khasara Number 1108, measuring 8 kanals 16 marlas.

The school is having an adequate playground and well furnished compound wall.


School Contact Information

Office of the Headmaster
Government High School Apatee
Kargil, TU of Ladakh


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